By learning today's advanced phone sales techniques in making cold calls and warm calls with more confidence your staff will get very positive and immediate results. Your sales representatives will immediately apply the skills on real world sales calls and be coached by our sales telemarketing professionals.

Our telemarketing training is customized for your company's unique products and services. We will help your sales people develop confidence when delivering a one on one phone sales presentation by having them practice and learn both delivery techniques which include tone, pace, and pitch and the correct words to use to get your prospects attention, NLP techniques that are based on state of the art sales telemarketing strategies and proven sales processes.

We usually do not provide off-the-shelf canned telemarketing training except in our public sales courses. These off the shelf sales products will give you an opportunity to evaluate the high impact sales results without the financial risk. 

Contact us today to discuss which would be best for your needs or browse the telemarketing course outlines by clicking the workshop names on the right.