We offer phone based sales training seminars in a private in-house format at the location of the customers choice. Public courses are also regularly scheduled as well across the United States and are available in Minnesota cities like Bloomington, Duluth, Minneapolis, and Saint Paul.

Browse the list of our training seminars on the right. Contact us for additional information.

Customer Call Center Outbound Telemarketing Skills Training

It s no secret that the ability for telemarketers to effectively perform their jobs has recently been constrained by no-call lists and the public s growing contempt for Telemarketing calls. Yet, Telemarketing call centers offer a very valuable service as they introduce thousands of people every day to much-needed products and services that they otherwise might not be aware of. Even as some companies strike deals with wireless providers to enable prospective customers to dial five digit codes to receive wireless messages on products and services, the role of the telemarketer is still a crucial component of many companies sales efforts. Regardless of these obstacles, customer call centers will continue to thrive for years to come. It is therefore imperative that all inbound and outbound telesales and Telemarketing interactions with potential customers proceed as smoothly and as effectively as possible to increase sales. Our Customer Call Center Outbound Telemarketing Skills training workshop is designed to help Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) organizations succeed in today s challenging environment.

Centered on the ability to provide useful, targeted information based on data gathered during the consultative Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales process, our Customer Call Center Outbound Telemarketing Skills program provides key strategies and proven methodologies to increase sales for those tasked with selling products and services over the telephone. Key to the learning process is an in-depth analysis of customer buyer types and behavior and their effect on the Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales process. Time is also spent understanding components of the sales process and how to guide Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) calls towards appropriate product and service recommendations. Cold calling via customer lists and closing techniques are also covered during this valuable training course. This highly interactive workshop provides Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales reps with numerous opportunities to put learned skills to use via interactive role plays, group exercises, activities, questions and answer sessions and lectures. These opportunities are designed to increase knowledge transfer of Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales skills and immediately put newly learned skills to use in call centers. With these skills in hand, Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) call centers will be able to focus on making numbers and enabling their sales revenues to grow in today s challenging environment.

Customer Call Center Outbound Telemarketing Skills participants will learn to:

  • Understand the challenges faced by customer call centers
  • Realize how Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) can add value to customers
  • Utilize Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales strategies to drive call volume and closing ratios
  • Establish rapport and build chemistry
  • Bundle products and services to increase customer value
  • Apply questioning skills to determine buyer attitudes, situations and priorities
  • Adjust their Outbound telemarketing sales approach based on buyer behavior
  • Identify problem areas and potential solutions
  • Create personal Feature, Advantage, Benefit statements 
  • Develop an advantage over other Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) and telesales competitors
  • Understand the Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales process
  • Cold call and follow up on warm leads from mailers and advertisements
  • Guide inbound calls through the Telemarketing (outbound telemarketing) sales process
  • Handle sales objections and close the sale

Telemarketing and Phone Sales Seminars, Courses & Workshops are available throughout the United States and Canada.

Phone Sales/Telesales Training in Minnesota

Bloomington, Duluth, Minneapolis, and Saint Paul